Karen works in a dynamic and close relationship with you throughout the treatment. It is helpful to have regular and steady contact for a period of time. Generally, we begin with once weekly sessions and decide from there if you are interested in or need more intense contact.


Do you struggle with one or more of the following on a daily basis: simple tasks feel difficult and overwhelming; fatigue or loss of energy; anxiety, irritability, and/or “brittleness;” a sense of isolation; persistent feelings of emptiness or hopelessness; difficulty concentrating; or being consumed with shame and/or guilt for things that are out of your control?

You may be suffering from depression. Grief, traumatic events, difficult relationships, and major life changes are just a few of the triggers that can keep us locked into despondency or more serious types of depression. Together we will work on the causes of these feelings and understanding their roots.


Does this sound like you: worried most of the time about your kids, spouse, job, money, or health; new things scare you; small things get “big” on you quickly; feeling wound-up or on edge?

Learning how to comfort oneself is often difficult for adults. Together we can focus on identifying, challenging, and then neutralizing unhelpful thoughts so you can begin to react differently to anxiety-producing or fearful situations and learn to ”self soothe.”


Do you struggle with a sense of worthlessness? Do you often have self-demeaning thoughts that undermine your appearance, intelligence, or accomplishments? Do you find yourself comparing yourself negatively to others much of the time?

If this is true, you are not alone. Unfortunately, you may have grown so used to hearing this destructive inner voice that you don’t realize how much it is limiting you. Let’s work together on developing insight into the origins of these critical thoughts and learn how to quiet them with compassion. By turning self-criticism into self-acceptance, you can get to know and express your real self.


Relationships tend to bring out the best and the worst in us. And, couples often go through tumultuous times. Communication is the key and it’s helpful to have an objective third party to guide you through any conflicts you may be experiencing.

Generally we choose to be with someone who feels somewhat familiar to us; oftentimes they may have the qualities of people from our past with whom we had difficult relationships. Couples therapy is a great way to understand your emotional history and how it is affecting you in the present. Together we can work on those issues and begin to resolve problems, old and new, that are a barrier to intimacy. By using improved communication skills, you’ll be able to better understand the sources of your conflicts and begin solving problems together.

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